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Giorgia Meloni Strengthens Power with European Parliament Victory

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni Solidifies Power with European Parliament Election Victory

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is poised to solidify her power after a significant victory in the European Parliament elections, marking a notable gain for far-right parties across the European Union. According to a poll by Swg, published by La7, Meloni’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party is expected to secure between 27% to 31% of the vote. This is a substantial increase from just over 6% in 2019, reflecting the party’s rising popularity. The immediate runner-up, the left-wing Democratic Party, is projected to garner 21.5% to 25.5% of the vote, highlighting a clear polarization between Italy’s two leading political forces.

Giorgia Meloni

Meanwhile, Matteo Salvini’s League and Antonio Tajani’s Forza Italia, both coalition partners in Meloni’s government, are projected to gain just under 10%. This indicates a strong but more modest presence in the European Parliament.

Meloni’s projected victory is part of a broader trend of positive results for right-wing parties across Europe, notably in France and Germany. Her strengthened position will be pivotal in shaping alliances within the European Parliament and in influencing the selection of the successor to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who is seeking to retain her position.

Sunday night’s victory for Meloni represents a significant vote of mid-term confidence from Italians. In the 2022 election, her party surged to first place with 26% of the votes. To capitalize on this momentum, Meloni strategically topped her party’s lists in the European Parliament election. Despite having no intention of leaving her current role in Rome, she urged Italians to vote for “Giorgia,” effectively rallying support around her personal brand.

In summary, Giorgia Meloni’s anticipated win in the European Parliament elections underscores her growing influence in Italy and Europe. As she consolidates power, her role will be crucial in determining the future political landscape of the European Union.

Image source: Internet

Disclaimer: Educational purpose blog with no commercial use intended.

Read More: World2Moro

For Lifestyle Content: Tathastu Lifestyle

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